We’ve heard rumblings of some Gmail changes that have affected Integrated Inbox for some users (Thanks for reporting this Dustin!). We are looking into this right away — and we will be releasing a fix shortly. If you suddenly aren’t seeing your Integrated Inbox (not even the little icon to the top right of your Inbox this could be the problem)
Report your own issues or follow this update via Getsatisfaction or Facebook for more updates, we hope to have a fix ready for you very soon.
Thanks for your patience as we look for a solution to this recent change. Here’s to hoping it’s only affecting a small number of users right now, and we’ll have this resolved before YOU experience it!
Your Integrated Inbox Team
We have released a fix that’s ready and waiting in the Firefox queue for you and will be hopefully auto updating soon — Don’t want to wait? You can download now – http://goo.gl/kBpv37
Thanks for your patience!
does the calendar/contacts sync with outlook?
On Oct. 8 I paid $49 and nrow suddenly find myself with the FREE Intergrated Mailbox and no way to get back what I paid for. What’s going on?
Thanks for reporting your issue, can you send a message via our contact form so I can troubleshoot for you — https://integratedinbox.com/contact/
Your account should be recognized automatically by your Gmail or Google Apps address.
If you’ve been trying to reach us, I apologize — I don’t see any support requests with your name. We’ll get this resolved for you asap!
Thanks for the quick response. It seems to have fixed itself. As sweet mysery of computers.
Glad to hear it’s been resolved, we know what you mean — the mystery and misery of computers sometimes! If you see this again please definitely let us know — we’re here to help! Enjoy.