We’re excited to show you what we’ve been working on for you. As many of you who follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Email will already know, we’ve been racing Firefox to get the latest and greatest version of IntegratedGmail ready for you…. Why? Because Firefox 22 and it’s many improvements will just so happen to throw a wrench into the current version of IntegratedGmail – maybe we should say monkey wrench, for those that remember our humble origins as a Grease Monkey script (over five years ago!) when Addons were just a glimmer in our eyes
Pun intended — we’re happy to announce the most anticipated IntegratedGmail errr.. umm.. Integrated Inbox release yet! If you haven’t heard yet, we’re changing our name to Integrated Inbox with a spiffy new logo to match! That’s enough about us, let’s get to YOU!
Well… it means the same great integrated experience with a lot of exciting new things… most importantly, the new version is built from the ground up to be FASTER, more POWERFUL and much more USER FRIENDLY!
New integrations like Google+, Google Voice, Google Drive, and Google Play join an already full list of free integrations like Calendar, Contacts, News, Reader, and more. (Oh and there are more on the way… very soon).
With this new release we are also introducing for the first time, new premium subscriptions — if you’ve been enjoying the free version, don’t worry — you’ll still be able to use Integrated Inbox for free.
We just want you to know when you want even more integrations — the Plus and Pro versions will be right there ready for you! One exciting new feature for premium users will be our new Cloud Settings — so you can save and sync your settings across computers and locations, in real-time!
Want to check out the new features? I thought you’d never ask — Get the Free version now and activate your Free 7 Day Pro Trial. Use all the integrations you want for 7 days and see just how great an Integrated Inbox can be. To celebrate our rebranding and relaunching, for a limited time, get $10 off our new yearly Plus or Pro plans (Just use the coupon code: LaunchParty)
Get the Plus or Pro version now
P.S. – What will your first integration be?
Where’s the Options box??? What did you guys do to a well thought out idea??
Sorry you are having trouble finding the “Options” box — this should now available right from your Gmail inbox view in the Integrated Inbox > Settings menu — see here: http://screencast.com/t/pyyhKFkM
If that’s not showing up for you, please post the issue over at http://getsatisfaction.com/integratedgmail and we’ll be sure to troubleshoot with you asap!
For a more detailed view for installing and configuring Integrated Inbox, visit https://integratedinbox.com/quick-tour-continued/
We hope after you see the new features, you’ll feel it’s still well thought out — but either way we appreciate the feedback and will work to make it the best version yet with your input.